Mockingbird Years by Emily Fox Gordon

Mockingbird Years is the story of the author as a therapy patient, from rebellious childhood to disastrous young adulthood to  remarkably stable and successful adulthood — and the reader wants to just shake those inept therapists as they knit through her sessions (I like to knit but would not do it with a client!), allow her to say nothing at all for hours on end (silence is golden, huh?), and worse of all consign her to a psychiatric hospital when what she would really need would be a good push into reality. Actually her salvation comes from that hospital in the shape of the psychiatrist’s wife who seems to be the most effective healer of the bunch by simply showing her how a normal family might function. It’s a sobering story with a happy, if complicated ending.


Filed under True story

2 responses to “Mockingbird Years by Emily Fox Gordon

  1. Pingback: ** Book of Days by Emily Fox Gordon « FT's Books

  2. Pingback: ** Wide Awake by Patricia Morrisroe « FT's Books

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